The Cat in the Hat

Type: Previs, Techvis, Postvis
Director: Bo Welch
Studio: Universal Pictures
Location: Los Angeles

The “Cat in the Hat” will always hold a special place in my heart for two reasons. One, it was Proof’s very first job. I had recently branched out on my own and this was the first project awarded to Proof. And for that I will always be grateful to John Swallow and Universal Pictures.

Equally significant, this film was seriously fun to work on! The Art Department and the Visual Effects Department were stacked with talent. We had the amazing Alex McDowell leading the Art Department and the inimitable Kurt Williams in charge of VFX. Working with them was an all-star crew that included Sean Haworth, Alec Hammond, Francois Audouy, Harald Belker, Ben Proctor, Garv Thorp and Paul Molles. Everyone showed up every day with fantastic ideas, pushing each other to design better. It was inspiring.